Terizla gains 1% extra Damage Reduction (up to 30%) for every 2.5% HP lost.
He cannot gain extra Attack Speed and will convert every 1% extra Attack Speed he’s supposed to receive into 1 extra Physical Attack.
Terizla cracks the ground with his hammer and the fissure will spread out, dealing 300( +80% Extra Physical Attack) Physical Damage. After the fissure hits the first target, it will drill into the target and slow them by 15%. At the same time, Terizla’s Movement Speed will be increased by 15% for 3.5s. The fissure on target will then explode, dealing 300( +80% Extra Physical Attack) plus 20% of the enemy’s lost HP Physical Damage.
Terizla swings his hammer in a fan-shaped area ahead. This skill can be cast up to 3 times. The first two attacks deal 135( +160% Total Physical Attack) Physical Damage each, while the third deals 225( +220% Total Physical Attack) Physical Damage. Enemies hit will also be slowed by 20% for 1.25s (the Slowing Effect can stack).
Deals only 60% damage to Minions.
Terizla jumps to the designated area, dealing 300( +100% Total Physical Attack) Physical Damage and knocking enemies airborne for 0.6s. He then summons Scaffold and slows enemies by 25%. Scaffold will send out a hook at enemy heroes in range and pull them several times while dealing 150( +30% Total Physical Attack) Physical Damage each time.