Mobile Legends: Bang Bang Pro Guide



The following uses (↑), (↓), (~) to indicate Buff, Nerf, and Adjustment.

S1, S2, and U are Skill 1, Skill 2, and Ultimate.

Hero: Mathilda for build
Mathilda (↓)

Skill 2 – Guiding Wind (↓)

– Duration of Ally’s Movement Speed Boost: 2.5s >> 2s.

U – Circling Eagle (↓)​

– Wisp Damage: 60-70 >> 40 at all levels.

Cool Down: 30s >> 40s.

– Base Shield: 600-900 >> 400-600.

– Slightly reduced the range and speed of the second dash.

Hero: Rafaela for build
Rafaela (↓)

S2 – Holy Healing (↓)

– Movement Speed and Slow Immunity Duration: 1.5s >> 1s

Hero: Angela for build and guide
Angela (↓)

S1 – Love Waves (↓)

– Magic Bonus: 90% >> 75%

​U – Heartguard (↓)

Shield: 1200-2000 + 200%-400% Magic Power >> 1000-1600 + 200%-300%.

Hero: Ixia for build
Ixia (↓)

Attribute (↓)

– Physical Attack Growth: 10 >> 7.5.

Hero: Wanwan for build
Wanwan (↑)

Passive – Tiger Pace (↑)

– Increase how much Wanwan’s dash speed increases with her Attack Speed to bring it in line with the pre-nerf version.

Hero: Arlott for build
Arlott (↑)

S1 – Dauntless Strike (↑)​

– Soul Steal Upper Limit: 500 >> 650.

U – Final Slash (↓)

– Damage: 400-600 + 10% of target’s Max HP >> 250-400 + 8% of target’s Max HP

Hero: Fredrinn for build
Fredrinn (↓)

Passive – Crystalline Armor (↓)

– Conversion Ratio from Crystal Energy into HP: 25% >> 20% (For damage dealt to Minions: 15% >> 10%)

U – Appraiser’s Wrath (↓)

– Hybrid Defense: 30-60 >> 15-35

Hero: Terizla for build
Terizla (↓)

S2 – Execution Strike (↓)​

Total Physical Attack Bonus for the first two hits: 180% >> 160%-185%.

– Total Physical Attack Bonus for the third hit: 300% >> 220%-320%.

Hero: Edith for build
Edith (↓)

U – Primal Wrath ​(↓)​

– Lifesteal Increase: 10%-30% >> 5%-20%.

Hero: Odette for build
Odette (~)

S1- Avian Authority (↑)​

– Cooldown: 7s >> 6-5s

​​​S2 – Blue Nova ​(↓)​

– Cooldown: 11-8.5s >> 12-10s


Twilight Armor
Twilight Armor (~)

[Unique Passive – Twilight]

– Triggering Condition: Taking more than 600 damage in a single hit >> Taking more than 800 damage in a single hit. 

– Flat Damage Reduced: 150 >> 300.

Berserker27s Fury
Berserker's Fury (↓)​

Slightly delayed the dominant phase of heroes that focus on Crit.


2250 >> 2500

Jungling Equipment (↑)

[Unique Passive: Hunter]​

Damage Per Second against Creeps: Hero Level x 2 + 2% Max HP >> 25 + Hero Level x 3 + 1% Max HP.​

Gold Income

Gold Lane Siege Minion (↓)​: Gold Bonus 45% >> 35%