Dyrroth - Jungle

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Dyrroth Skills

When Dyrroth’s Rage reaches 50%, he will enhance “Burst Strike” and “Spectre Step”.
After every 2 Basic Attacks, Dyrroth will release Circle Strike, dealing ( +140% Total Physical Attack) Physical Damage to enemies in the circle and regenerating HP according to the damage he deals (Circle Strike doesn’t have Attack Effect). Each time he hits an enemy hero, the CD of “Burst Strike” and “Spectre Step” will be decreased by 1s.

Dyrroth releases a burst strike in a designated direction. Each burst deals 200( +60% Total Physical Attack) Physical Damage to enemies and slows them by 25% for 1.5s. (The damage decays against the same target and decreases to only 75% on minions.)
Abyss Enhanced: Burst Strike has a longer range, deals 140% of the original damage, and its Slowing Effect is doubled.

Dyrroth dashes in the designated direction. He will stop when he has traveled the max distance or hits one enemy hero or a Creep, dealing 230( +60% Extra Physical Attack) Physical Damage to enemies and slightly knocking them back. When he uses this skill again, he will lock onto a target and release a Fatal Strike, dealing 345( +120% Extra Physical Attack) Physical Damage and reducing the target’s Physical Defense by 50% for 4s.
Abyss Enhanced: Fatal Strike will deal 150% of the original damage, slow the target by an extra 90%, and reduce the target’s Physical Defense by 75% for 4s.

After a short delay, Dyrroth launches a destructive strike in the target direction (cannot be interrupted), dealing 650( +250% Extra Physical Attack) plus 20% of the target’s lost HP as Physical Damage to enemies in its path, and slowing them by 55% for 0.8s. This skill deals up to 1500 damage to non-hero enemies.
Max Skill Oder:

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