Chip - Roam

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Chip Skills

Chip starts eating potato chips once every 2 seconds when out of combat, regenerating HP equal to 300 plus 45% of lost HP after finishing a whole bag (requires 4 bites). After eating a bag of chips, Chip cannot eat again for 5 seconds.

Chip rams his hovercraft into the ground, dealing Magic Damage equal to 150–300 plus 6% of the target’s Max HP and applying Chip’s Mark on enemy heroes hit. Chip gains a 300–800 (+60% Total Magic Power) shield upon hitting an enemy hero, which increases by 25% for each additional energy hero hit. Chip’s next Basic Attack will become ranged and also hit all nearby enemies with Chip’s Mark, detonating the mark to deal 200–350 (+40% Total Magic Power) Magic Damage and stun each target for 0.6 seconds.

Chip rushes for 2 seconds, gaining up to 65% extra Movement Speed, after which he maintains the max speed for 2 seconds.
Chip’s next Basic Attack will cause him to charge at the enemy, dealing 200–300 (+30% Total Magic Power) Magic Damage and knocking them back slightly.

Chip drops the Main Portal on an enemy hero, dealing 200–300 (+60% Total Magic Power) Magic Damage and slowing them by 25%. The Main Portal deals 2 times the damage and slow effect after a delay. Meanwhile, he creates Connecting Portals near allied heroes (10 units away) and behind the allied Base. The Main Portal and Connecting Portals last up to 15 seconds.
Connecting Portal: Heroes (on both teams) can teleport from Connecting Portals to the Main Portal, and allied heroes gain Burst Movement Speed for 1.5 seconds.
Main Portal: The Main Portal inherits 70% of Chip’s attributes. Heroes can stand on the Main Portal for 2 seconds to return to the Connecting Portal they came from. Casting skills or launching Basic Attacks will reset the stand time.

Chip has 4 Beacons on the map when the battle starts. Chip can stand on a Beacon to enable this skill and then use it to teleport to any other Beacon (The skill can not be used in combat)
Max Skill Oder:

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